first post in a looooong time

Saturday, November 7, 2009
I need apologize to all my knitblog peeps for being so sporadic with maintaining the blog. I've moved urls, I've switched templates and services, I've promised more frequent updates – all in the hopes of a new start. My only explanation revolves around work and the nasty time/brain/soul suck that is advertising.

Now that me and the "corp dot com ad agency" have "mutually parted ways," I've been able to catch up with knit friends and knitblogs and knitting in general. after a couple of years of knitting only socks in the simplest form (not having to think being the main requirement), I'm finally feeling the urge to work on larger, more complex and more fun projects. I finally HAVE time to actually knit. I've rediscovered why I knit and am allowing it to – once again – rescue me from the creative "blank" I've been in the last couple of years at the aforementioned "corp dot com ad agency."

Advertising is exciting and collaborative and requires both right brain and left brain thinking. Advertising is also manipulative and – in some cases – damaging. If i can avoid another job in advertising, I will.

'nuff said.

Point is: I missed my knit circle and i want back in. :)


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