Another Knitting Holiday Under My Knitted Belt

Monday, May 9, 2005

Another Mother's Day under the proverbial belt. Phew!

This Mother's Day did not go as I expected at ALL. I expected the usual pickiness and nuttiness from my Mother, with the regular martyr response from my Granny and the usual happy-to-get-anything attitude from my Stepmom.

I was completely off-base!

The Cabled Purse was a hit with everyone except the recipient -- my Stepmother. It turns out I misjudged her tastes. She thought the purse was more appropriate for a younger person. So, the Cabled Purse (sans Electra) will live with my Stepniece (can someone please tell me if there should be a hyphen, a space, or no space between "step" and "fill-in-blank"?). My Stepmother claims to be a creature of habit, not wanting to give up her current purse for anything new -- and especially for something she considers out of her age-range. I tried explaining this was more of a party purse, but...

Oh well.

No more gifted items for her unless she specifically requests something. Which she did. She requested a nice pair of socks, so it's back to the drawing board!

In any case, Rosie The Dog was not amused at all the camera action. This is the only clear shot I was able to get of her:


I have some videos I may share as well, as soon as I can figure out how to compress them.

Here are some more formal shots of my poor Cabled Purse (It's a little twisted in these photos, but it was fixed before gifting, so no worries):



All was not lost, however. Mom loved her socks and other assorted goodies and Granny was also pleased with her stash and my Mother's socks. So much so, she actually requested a pair for herself. This was HUGE. Granny NEVER asks for anything (see martyr comment above)! She is one of those self-less people who gets uncomfortable with anyone exerting any effort or expense over her -- often trying to persuade us to "take it back" because "its's too expensive." This normally drives me nuts because I love her and want to shower her with things she, when she asked me for a pair of socks, I knew she must REALLY want them. So now, of course, I must make her several pairs for Winter!

And I am goofy-excited about it. There is no better feeling than when someone appreciates a hand-knitted gift to that degree. It makes you just want to knit them a boatload of stuff. :-)

Last night, after all the festivities, I was craving my long-neglected Boogie Vest and plowed through the back panel. I'm hoping to start and possibly finish the front panel today. It would be nice to be able to wear it at least once before the nice weather settles in. IF it EVER settles in!


Colleen said...

That's a great feeling: getting a knitting request AND wanting to fulfil it.

Dani said...

Oh my, the purse looks great! I am not sure if I emailed you about it, but I started the purse last night, only to frog it a half hour later.. I did the third round of the pattern repeat and found that on both sides of the bag, I had two extra stitches! What gives! Uck... I hate when I can't figure out what I am doing wrong!

Yours looks lovely though. Sorry she didn't like it, but at least your step-niece likes it (I put a dash in there, but not sure If thats right either).

Teresa C said...

Hard to know what to think of that, appreciate your step-mom's honesty and have the bag (which is adorable) go to a life with someone who will enjoy it or have her fake it and place it lovingly in her drawer never to use it again. At least you still want to make those socks for her, which I think says a lot about the person you are. I might feel a bit exasperated over the whole thing.

dragonflypurity said...

wow! You are a very gifted knitter! How long have you been knitting ?

I just finished my first project and was thinking that a purse would be the perfect follow up project! Though I don't think I could do the detailing you did on yours, I am still trying to master purling!

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