In love, I am. Yet, happy, I'm not.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


In love, I am...


with this Regia Cotton in the aptly named "Surf" colorway. Look at those candy colors! And, so, SO soft. Not as soft as my precious Lana Grossa, but VERY close.

I started these after finishing up my Brightest Blue Socks Ever last night. Here they are on my tired old dogs (I love that expression, even though I struggle to understand why feet are equated with dogs):


And here they are on their own:


Is it me, or is there a tiger stripe thing going on with these?

Anyway, so even though I haven't finished my Crusoe socks, I cast on for these because it's Spring and I needed a color motivator to get me in the mood and to help me push through all of the craptastic weather we've been having in these here parts.

Not happy I am. About this.

Ok, I'll stop. Can you tell I went to see Return of The Sith last night? That is where I managed to finish The Brightest Blue Socks Ever. So, they'll forever remind me of that movie and my realization that Yoda and his annoying grammatical swtiches have completely lost their charm on my cranky 30+ self. Also, if we're going to accept all the snappy special effects and other assorted updates, can we go all the way and update that goofy Darth Vader outfit please? PLEASE? I know I'm going to get all sorts of hate mail from the purists, but I don't care. I think the weather here has finally gotten to me. ;-)

That being said. It was fun. I love a good Sci-fi landscape and storyline. And, having worked at Hasbro when all of this was still in the works, I have a special place in my heart for that lava pit. Hehe.

So, yes, I happily knitted away and perfected my not-looking-while-knitting skills at the movie last night and it was amazingly calming.  Then the calm was ruined as I drove back home, dodging downed power lines, a large oak tree and trying to keep my tiny cheese-wedge-shaped car from being flung across the highway from the unbelieveably fierce winds. I'm not kidding. What is going on, people? It's May!

So, you see why I had to cast on for a cheery sock, right? My crankypants self needed some happy fiber between my fingers.

I've also been re-working the math for The Cool cagoule sleeves and The Subway Sweater. I have more swatch photos of the Jo Sharp Summer Soho on deck for tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Hopefully the Surf Sock will do it's magic and dispel my cranky, weather-related mood. ;-)


Kristin said...

My friend, that is a lovely color combination. I love it! It is very spring. I hope it lifts the spirits.

I must agree with you on two things: This weather has been super-crappy and Darth Vader definitely needs some updating.

I was telling Tim only yesterday that Darth Maul looked so much more like a badass. On the other hand, there really is no substitute for a billowy, black cape!

grumperina said...

Hey crankypants, I hear ya! (Someone called me grumpypants by accident the other day, hehe) We all need something extra special to get us out of the weather blues, and that yarn is just cheery enough to do it! Enjoy your new pair of socks!

Liz said...

I am now in love as well... google, I must. I cannot BELIEVE you knit through the Sith! LoL Now that I think about it, it's a great idea. Beautiful socks, all around.

Teresa C said...

Your brightest blue socks ever are awesome! I have that same Koigu and may be casting on for socks with it soon, thanks to your inspiration.

I hear you with the weather thing. I think the fact that I was fortunate enough to get away to Miami Beach for a few days makes it all worse. And have you noticed that people (me included) are just crabbier than normal? Come On SUN!

Dani said...

What fun colored socks! Those pictures you took are amazing! You are definitely fighting the dark force with those..Can't wait to see more progress!

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