It was a HOT, HOT day -- the kind of day that typically makes me a massive crankypants -- but somehow, I didn't mind so much because I was in such good company.
You can see some of my booty above (my stash, my loot...not my butt...hehe).
These vials of beady goodness are destined for a secret project to be announced soon. For now, you'll just have to wonder...
While knitting and chatting, I managed to plow through the entire leg of the second Father's Day sock. Then, on the train home from Boston, I was able to finish the heel. So, really, there is only about half a sock left before Tuesday's Knitting Clinic where I can hopefully get them steamed and packaged for my Dad's gift.
I'm a little worried, though, because so far, most of the guys I've polled -- admittedly all in their 20's-30's, have said they didn't think this sock was what they would consider "manly." Instead, they described it as "fun." Clearly, my idea of a fun sock is wildly different. I'm just hoping my Dad likes them.
Progress continues on the IK Padded Footlet. It is fairly slow-going, so I won't take a photo until there is a drastic change in appearance.
Progress also continues on the Cool cagoule sleeves.
Tomorrow is scheduled to begin a new work week/blog posting schedule. Hopefully I can start to find my posting groove again.
It's amazing how much progress one makes if the knitting is accompanied by chatting, isn't it? Maybe the conversation makes the time fly by, maybe it distracts from noticing progress in small increments... doesn't matter! It's great! And those socks are totally manly!
Eh. Ignore the guys. I bet he'll love the fun socks. Especially once he tries them on. Nothing more comfortable than handknit socks. mmmm....
I think the socks are plenty manly, and they will be worn with pride because his daughter made them for him! What a good girl you are. Sad that I missed KIPing with you guys. Glad that you had fun and spread the word!
Those guys do not know what they're talking about. That sock has "MAN" written all over it.
Glad you had a good day in Boston! I am going to be heading to Beadworks today for some more charms :)
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