Fiber Porn

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

As promised, pictured above is the cake of Rowan Summer Tweed that Colleen kindly donated to the Black Olive Swatch Fund. I've already begun swatching and will post pics when appropriate. Isn't it beautiful? I love this stuff. So soft and textured. Yum.

Pictured below is the Koigu Porn I promised:




Lot's of fun sock knitting ahead. I've been swatching with Koigu remnants and experimenting with different stitch patterns. So these babies are slated for something a little different from my usual sock pattern.

And speaking of Koigu socks, here is where I'm at with the BRIGHTEST BLUE SOCK EVER:


The variegation on this pair is taking on an interesting "tiger strip" pattern.


So, that's all I have for you, peeps. Progress on Cool Cagoule continues and I plan to focus on finishing the front tonight at my Knitting Clinic. More pictures to follow once that milestone is completed. I'm also swatching for various other things as I try my hand at some patterns of my own. Maybe I'll share, and maybe I won' all depends on how craptastic it all is.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated note...PAT BENETAR IS ON TOUR! I know I'm dating myself, but she's ON TOUR! I love Pat. She's still married to her guitarist. I saw them on some interview thing (probably back when I was obsessed with those VH-1 Behind The Music specials -- I know, I know, just be quiet!) and they're very cute. They've aged well and still make music. Hopefully she'll stick with the classics, though. No need to fix what ain't broke. ;-)

Ok. I'm done. I just had to share my 80's moment with you people. Move along, now...


Colleen said...

Ain't nothin' wrong with a little Koigu porn.

Liz said...

Yes, this is definitely good yarn porn. I have never had the pleasure of fondling Summer Tweed, must order some.

grumperina said...

Love it, love it all. I think I need more fiber porn in my life. Can I get that for free on the internet?

melanie said...

You must have gotten a different summer tweed than I did...I was not a fan. Ben ended up knitting it for me, bless her. I can wear it, but I can't knit it.

Dani said...

I love the Koigu close-up! I have been holding out buying Summer Tweed for the past few months, but might need to buy some now :)

Happy knitting!

Vicki said...

I'm scaring myself here...the 1214 koigu is actually looking pretty sexy to me - how'd you do that? I've spent too much time painting and not enough time knitting this week and it's finally gotten to me. Must go find some yarn to pet now.

Amber said...

Last time I saw Pat Benetar (mid 90's) she was singing.. Jazz. So I'm not sure what she's performing now. If she's doing her stuff from the 80's, that's awesome, but from what I understood, she was just doin' that to pay the bills. Oh sadness ;)

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